As the calendar turns over, the days get shorter and the temperatures get colder. The progression of the seasons brings with it inevitable change. But not all changes are bad, a fact that Jacob knows all too well. For the first part of his adult life, Jacob lived in various group home settings, but never felt truly at home there. He did not feel his voice was being heard or that he was treated as a unique individual. Several years ago, he decided to make a change. He moved back home and came to join the Sky Point family in 2019. With his step-mom Ashley as his staff, he has set out to turn things in a new direction. Jacob works on a variety of skills during his services including money management, communication, cooking and cleaning, and managing his medication - all with the end goal of getting his own apartment and a factory job working on the line. He is heavily involved in Special Olympics and even went to state last year for 3 events, including basketball. In his own words, he is “happier, more mentally stable” and “more social now, than I was when I lived in a group home”. When asked what was one thing he would like people to know about him, he replied “I’m a very kind, sweet person”.
Help us celebrate this quarter's spotlighted individual, Jacob!